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Breathe New Life into Old Machines with An SSD

With school budgets tight, there always needs to be cost effective solutions when it comes to new devices. Laptops and Desktops are expensive and needing to replace hardware can be a drain on funds.

One advised route is to investigate merely revitalising older equipment, rather than replacing, and seeing if another couple of years could be drawn out of a machine before buying a new one.

One great way of doing this is to make use of SSD’s or Solid State Drives, and an upgrade we highly recommend.

Your older devices will use a standard hard drive. Hard drives have spinning discs that slow down or wear out and can cause your computer to “crash” or stop working. SSDs use chips and have no moving parts.

Using an SSD instantly improves the speed a computer boots and starts programs and could be the solution you are looking for to drastically improve performance. It’s amazing how much of a difference this hardware change makes.

Machines can go from sluggish performance, with multiple crashes, to fast booting reliable machines.

Depending on size, these range around the £40-£60 mark, and investing in a small number of these drives makes a large saving on the same amount of replacements.

We’d always recommend trialling one device first, but more often than not, the results are such an improvement, that hardware is saved from the bin and can be used in the classroom for the foreseeable future.   e-font: min

Posted by Aux IT Solutions

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